Irl Name: DJ
Age: 15
Location: USA
Languages: Englsih
Howlong have you been playing EltePK? A Few Months... Starting With Rev. Scape
How many hours are you on daily at average? 12 hours and + HEHE NO LIFER
Why do you want to become a Moderator on ElitePK?: Because I Like To Respect People And I Like To Influence The Rules And Make Sure People Dont Break Rules.
Why would you make a good Moderator on ElitePK?: Because I Dont Abuse Powers And I Know The Rules And Ill Help Anyone That Needs Help ASAP.
Past know-how in dealing with staff positions? Yes
You see another moderator on, and he/she is abusing their moderation powers. What do you do? Report Them Gladly .
Are you willing to help players?: Yes Sir.
What is it you like about ElitePK?: I LOVE THE 562! SOURCE LOVE IT! Ill Love The Pking ANd The Leveling!
Your best friend is online, and he/she breaks a few rules. What would you do?: Jail Them... ban If It Is real bad.
Do you have any programming or advanced computer experience? Yes . Im Really Good At COding. i am average with Photoshop
Have you got a Youtube account? If yes : Post the link to your channel: I Subscribed To You
You do understand if you break rules, or turn out to not be a good moderator, you will be demoted?: Yes Sir.