Author Topic: Legit Pker's Moderator Application.  (Read 194 times)

Offline legit pker

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Legit Pker's Moderator Application.
« on: April 24, 2011, 05:13:37 pm »
Irl Name: Sims

Age: 14

Location: Washington

Languages: English

Howlong have you been playing EltePK? I just joined today but I have 5 years of rsps knowledge.

How many hours are you on daily at average? I will be on atleast 5 hours a day in-game and on forums.

Why do you want to become a Moderator on ElitePK?: I want to help people out more then I can when being a regular player. I also want to be able to get to know the community a little bit faster then when being a regular player.

Why would you make a good Moderator on ElitePK?: I would make a good mod because I have much knowledge of rsps and I can answer any server-related questions and make sure everyone is having a good time.

Past know-how in dealing with staff positions? I have been a Co-owner (Instinct-pkz) and a moderator (Hellz-pk) So I have been in many situations that I've had to deal with.

You see another moderator on, and he/she is abusing their moderation powers. What do you do? I would talk to them privately, and make sure they know what there doing is wrong, and If I was to see any further abusing of his/her power, I would report him/her to someone with higher authority.

Are you willing to help players?: I am more then willing to help players. I will spend 2/3rds of my time helping 24/7 when I'm on to make sure everyone understands what to do and things like that.

What is it you like about ElitePK?: Well, it's a rsps, so I like it. ;D But I already can tell I'll like it by the number of players on it, just enough. Not too many but not too small of population.

Your best friend is online, and he/she breaks a few rules. What would you do?: I would talk to them and make sure they don't do it again and I would warn them that even though I'm one of their good friends doesn't mean they get special treatment and if any further rules were broken I would give the proper punishment for the rule that was broken.

Do you have any programming or advanced computer experience? No, I'm afraid I don't.

Have you got a Youtube account? If yes : Post the link to your channel: No, I don't.

You do understand if you break rules, or turn out to not be a good moderator, you will be demoted?: Yes, I understand.

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Re: Legit Pker's Moderator Application.
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2011, 05:32:46 pm »
play the game get to know the people and wait a bit
we need to build before spots open
you won't be able to help people if you don't know the server
i know it backwards
Just get to know everyone and you'll have more support
This will indefinately be locked

Offline Rhin

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Re: Legit Pker's Moderator Application.
« Reply #2 on: April 24, 2011, 06:20:54 pm »
Pker, it is awesome meeting you, and i respect you fully, but you've just joined the community. :) give it time, you'll get what you deserve  ^^

Admin Olav

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Re: Legit Pker's Moderator Application.
« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2011, 05:38:46 am »
First of all, you joined for 1 day, i don't even know you in-game, try again in two weeks or so. But you will have to know the mostly of the players in-game and on forums.
When you try again soon, also add a poll. We don't got any staff spots open at the moment. so we can't see if you can handle the Mod Position yet.

- Dj Olav