Okay, now I have officially changed this long and extremely confusing guide as of 6/5/2011. This guide is now much more simpler so that you players can get on the game
as fast as possible.
Simply download this:
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/13376898/ElitePk.zipAfter downloading, extract the file to desktop and open it. Inside should be the following:
1] EPKCv11
2] client
3] Read Me for Info!
All you have to do is open, "Read Me for Info!" and it will tell you what to do from there. If for some reason your computer has trouble opening "Read Me for Info!" then here is what it says:
Okay, in order to fix Error Loading...Use Guide! Follow
the steps given below.
Step One: Go to C:/ and find EPKCv10 then Delete it!
Step Two: The folder "EPKCv11" in the folder you have
downloaded needs to be in your computer drive. So
drag the EPKCv10 that you downloaded into you
C:/ Drive so that the server works for you.
Step Three: After you are done transfering the file,
open "client" in the folder you downloaded and you will use
this as your client for when you play ElitePk.
Step four: Enjoy gameplay, and if this hasn't helped you
enough feel free to go to http://ElitePk317.tk/ and then ask
for help either on the Forum Chatbox or the Xat Chatbox
and hopefully a staff member or someone with experience
will be able to help you with your problem.
~Mod Dallas
Thanks everyone, I hope this guide helped you get on the game ASAP
~Mod Dallas, owner.