Well at the Graphic Design school I'm attending this was one of the first things we learned, Image Vectoring, well a "lazy" mans vector.
Okay so in this tutorial I'll be showing you how to Vector a real life image into looking like a Animated / Sketched Image.
This can be done with any Photoshop CS but in this tutorial I'll be using CS5.
Tutorial Difficulty: 2/10 (Must have the knowledge of reading) (:
Step 1: Open up your image. Can be any image type, but for the best effect, use a real life image.
Then Duplicate that image.Example:
Step 2: Go to Image > Adjustments > Threshold (You can use any number, 128 normally turns out better for real life photos)
Step 3: Go to Filter > Stylize > Diffuse (Make sure it's on Anisotropic)
Step 4: Then change the Opacity on the layer to whatever suits your needs, I normally use around 50%.
Your done. Hopefully if you followed the tutorial right your final piece should look somewhere like this.