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Messages - i pkmods i

Pages: [1]
Introduce YourSelf / Re: Sup
« on: August 13, 2011, 11:17:28 pm »
Hi welcome to the server hope you have a good time if you need any help pm me "Mod Wad" "Win All Day" or any other staff members ;)

Rank Applications / Hybrid application thingy :D
« on: August 13, 2011, 08:56:27 pm »
In-Game Name: Mod Wad , Win All Day


Levels of the Attack Styles You Use: O.o what?

Choice of Weapons: Virtus , torva , vesta , stat , all that juicy stuff

Combat Level: 126 maxed on both acc's

Images/Videos of You Hybridding: Well i brid dallas :D i don't vid them.

Introduce YourSelf / Re: Back.
« on: June 05, 2011, 08:35:11 pm »
OMFG KORASI!!!! missed you so much, and seems as your back.... i guess im going to start playing again :') <3
Ok hope so cya in Game  <3 (noGAY)
omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!! welcome back!!!!!!  missed you so much! =]]]]]]]]]]

Ill think about it bro ;)

~Win All Day

Moderator Applications / Re: Sit's Moderator Application
« on: May 03, 2011, 08:58:01 am »


Irl Name:
Sasha Alexander Ilic


 Ottawa, Ontario Located in Canada

 Serbian, Bosnian, Russian, French, English

Howlong have you been playing EltePK?
 2 Weeks and a Half.

How many hours are you on daily at average?
 3 hours to 4 Daily.

Why do you want to become a Moderator on ElitePK?:
 Part of being a moderator is dealing with kids, part of being mature is having the patience to deal with them, I personally want to be moderator because seems like
the server has troubles with other players, and some of the current moderators abuse.
Why would you make a good Moderator on ElitePK?:
 I think i would make a good moderator because i actually have good spelling unlike others, aswell as the patience, i work hard to achieve what i get, And i personally think a moderator is someone who manages things, not tells other people secrets about server (win all day).

Past know-how in dealing with staff positions?
 I don't get what it's asking me, but yes i do know how to manage positions, i was previously an Coder/Owner on a server called rapescape.


You see another moderator on, and he/she is abusing their moderation powers. What do you do?

Warn them, If they continue i will Temp IP mute them.

Are you willing to help players?:

Of course, all the time.

What is it you like about ElitePK?:
 Everything, The server has a great coder willing to help me or another player all the time! :D

Your best friend is online, and he/she breaks a few rules. What would you do?:

I would first check if there is another moderator online, if so , i would let him/her handle it, If it was a friend and no moderator was online, i would ask them what wrong, i would jail them along with me so we could "talk it out" then the.y would probably cool down.

Do you have any programming or advanced computer experience?

 Yes i do, i've been codeing Java and C++ for 3-4 Years now, I've just started coding Rsps's

Have you got a Youtube account? If yes : Post the link to your channel:

Here it is,

You do understand if you break rules, or turn out to not be a good moderator, you will be demoted?:

What's necessary will be done.
clean flat no.

Introduce YourSelf / Re: "Sit" Down! Heh.
« on: April 30, 2011, 08:02:51 pm »
would have said the same myself
good that you noticed
your just mad becuase i didn't tell you and apperantly i said "no hes a better friend then you."  1. I didn't say that 2. I said i can't tell any 1 yet becuase dallas said he couldn't. mmmkay, plus i really thought u were a nice guy after that little thing really.

I'm not intending to get moderator that's just a hint to Win all day what a real moderator should have, i should probably re-do this.
your just mad becuase i didn't tell you and apperantly i said "no hes a better friend then you."  1. I didn't say that 2. I said i can't tell any 1 yet becuase dallas said he couldn't. mmmkay, plus i really thought u were a nice guy after that little thing really.

Report a Player or Staff Member / Re: Tobias glitching or......?
« on: April 30, 2011, 06:04:11 am »
Mario you don't get it, you can't just mute people becuase there annoying you. I tried that and thats what got me demoted. Now you see my problem i dont want to get demoted.. But when i was a mod last time the people on this server were very respectful of my status now they just give me ****.

~Win All Day

Introduce YourSelf / Re: Hey, I'm Rikua. :)
« on: April 15, 2011, 07:53:38 am »
HII im Win All Day 1st or 2nd richest on the server and i wish you welcome to the server :D

General / Re: I Won The Match! - Look here Vietboi!
« on: March 13, 2011, 07:51:24 am »
It was about umm we had a match and who ever killed glow stick (nex) get a prize and then cls rules and chaoticrules kept saying oo ye i got the loot and then taco said he got and she said post it on forums and look he did :)

I would of but you never needed help and if you did you didnt tell me to help you and if you did i probaly couldnt of helped you but from now on when u need any help you can just ask me if im online.

Irl Name:                                               Reply on this Video :
 Reece                                                   Yes

Age:                                                      Maybe

 W.A Australia

 English some indonesion i know how to say **** you in it ahaha ;)

Howlong have you been playing EltePK?

How many hours are you on daily at average?
 1-3hrs weekdays 3hr plus weekends unless busy

Why do you want to become a Moderator on ElitePK?:
Because i have been playing a long time i have been mod allready but i got demoted and i learned from my mistake of what i did if you know wat i did you know if you dont please do not ask me ingame.

Why would you make a good Moderator on ElitePK?:
 Because i see alot of people spamming and breaking rules ive.

Past know-how in dealing with staff positions?
 I was mod and i know all the commands and what rules not to break and what to do and not to do.

You see another moderator on, and he/she is abusing their moderation powers. What do you do?
 Pm Dallas ingame or on forums and try to get them to stop.

Are you willing to help players?:
 Yes very much! I love seeing new people to this server and wanting to play more :)

What is it you like about ElitePK?:
That the owner and people that play the server are really nice to me and others and i will be nice back unless u p me off becuase no one likes that :).
Your best friend is online, and he/she breaks a few rules. What would you do?:
 Tell he / she tp stop it or if they dont go to a mod admin or dallas

Do you have any programming or advanced computer experience?
 Yes im a fast typer ive used a computer since i was young but i know the good stuff not the bad stuff like ddsoser and etc.

Have you got a Youtube account? If yes : Post the link to your channel:
 I do and if u wanna c myne go to my bank video and sub!!

You do understand if you break rules, or turn out to not be a good moderator, you will be demoted?:
Yes ive had experience of getting demoetd and i want to be mod again and take back what i did i no i was being a douche and what i did was like wow i would of ruin the ecomny sorry about that anyways please dallas make me mod again :) i will not dissapoint you ever again.

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