Irl Name:Khai, no last name for stalkers
Age:13 :p
Location:Texas, no city for stalkers :p
Languages:Viet 'n English
Howlong have you been playing EltePK? 'Bout a month
How many hours are you on daily at average?Hm... hard to say, weekdays 1-2 , weekends 3-5
Why do you want to become a Moderator on ElitePK?:Because ElitePk is a good server and I would hate to see it ruined by people that thing they are badass and break the rules.
Why would you make a good Moderator on ElitePK?:Because I will always play by the rulebook and make sure everyone esle does aswell
Past know-how in dealing with staff positions?Several times, I used to be a earned co-owner and an earned admin until the owner had to close down the server, I was and still kinda am a forum admin.
You see another moderator on, and he/she is abusing their moderation powers. What do you do?Pm Dallas and tell him the situation or he isn't on, report him to the forum topic.Or if he is abusing his power for money or just for pking, I would have no other choice to ban him.
Are you willing to help players?:As much as I possibly can.
What is it you like about ElitePK?:Dallas, Connor, no lagg, pking
Your best friend is online, and he/she breaks a few rules. What would you do?:Warn him and if he continues, ban or mute him.
Do you have any programming or advanced computer experience?Not really :/
Have you got a Youtube account? If yes : Post the link to your channel: You do understand if you break rules, or turn out to not be a good moderator, you will be demoted?:Yes i understand.